Top Air Purifying Plants


As we are slowly but steadily recovering from the global health crisis (COVID-19), we seem to recover and get back to our normal daily lives with more conscious effort to import the quality of our lives and our health. As we tend to go off our day not attending to what materials or products we acquire or buy or  be aware of the materials and how they were made. 

Natural Playgrounds: Unstructured Play in Concrete Jungles

traceitlab children playground

Studio Home Events Studio Home Events Subscribe Natural Playgrounds: Unstructured Play in Concrete Jungles According to experts, children are ought to spend at least 3 hours outdoors a day, whereas some children are spending only 4-7 minutes playing outdoors and about over  7 hours in front of a screen according to Published June 23, 2020 […]

Sustainable Schools: Schools of the Future

Traceitlab Sustainable schools photo by unsplash sustainable future

Whether you’re thinking of opening a sustainable school or choosing a sustainable school for your child, there are several factors to consider and many layers that come at play. Sustainability goes beyond the surface of energy efficiency and recycling, it aims to improve and develop the quality of life of people and the future generations to come.