We are architects, designers environmentalists,
researchers, innovators, dreamers, achievers.

+ Design decisions based on science and evidence

+ Buildings that enhance the existing built and natural environments 

+ User-centered environments 

+ Sustainable, healthy buildings and spaces 

+ Research, data collection, and analysis 

+ Synthesis 

+ Collaboration with other disciplines 

+ Feedback, enhance, and test the design 

+ Execute the design

+ Interdisciplinary approach 

+ Sustainable design 

+ Flexible adaptive architecture 

+Integrative design process 

Czech Republic, Praha 07

Design decisions based
on science and evidence

We believe that all design solutions should be backed by science or evidence. We design our buildings and spaces according to rules and demands from their surroundings and environment. As a result, every design solution is site-specific and unique. 

Buildings that enhance the built
and natural environments

Buildings that enhance the built and natural environments

We design buildings and spaces that improve and enhance the existing urban fabric and the natural environment. This way, we will ensure a brighter and a healthier future for future generations to come. 

We design buildings and spaces that improve and enhance the existing urban fabric and the natural environment. This way, we will ensure a brighter and a healthier future for future generations to come. 

User-centered environments

The users are always at the center of the design. An inclusive building includes and accommodates different users with different needs. This way, we can ensure that our users will feel comfortable, and thus, prosper and thrive. 

Every project begins with analysis and research

As tracers, we begin every design challenge with data collection, research, and analysis. This step allows us to collect all that is relevant to later synthesize into a well-rounded building that responds to its surroundings.

As tracers, we begin every design challenge with data collection, research, and analysis. This step allows us to collect all that is relevant to later synthesize into a well-rounded building that responds to its surroundings.

praha 07 scannedPrague 07 map

Cost effective solutions

Cost effective solutions are the key to successful designs as they reduce the costs on clients as well tenants or users later on. This way, the true power of design is unleashed to truly affect the functionality of buildings. 

Interdisciplinary approach

Great buildings and designs are a result of inputs from various disciplines and professions. Traceitlab utilizes the necessary disciplines to create buildings and spaces that nurture its users and surroundings.   

Great buildings and designs are a result of inputs from various disciplines and professions. Traceitlab utilizes the necessary disciplines to create buildings and spaces that nurture its users and surroundings.   

Czech Republic, Praha 07

Czech Republic, Praha 07


Traceitlab consists of a group of passionate architects with a vision to design a better future for generation to come. 

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