How Biophilic Design Can Increase Your Profit

Often sustainable design is perceived as a luxury that may or may not be considered while designing. However, this article sheds light on how biophilic spaces are actually spaces that have the user well-being at the center and do not have to break your budget as a business owner!

Published November 5, 2020

How Biophilic Design Can Increase Your Profit

Biophilic design can help increase your profit and cut your costs.

The topic for today is biophilic design and how it can increase your profit! 

Often sustainable and green design is perceived as a luxury and an accessory that may or may not be considered while designing. However, this article sheds light on how biophilic and sustainable spaces are actually spaces that have the user well-being at the center (with many economic, psychological, physiological, environmental, and sociological benefits too!) and do not have to break your budget as a business owner! 

Read along to find out how! 

What is Biophilic Design ? 

Biophilic design is substantially a term that is used to describe design that aims to connect people with nature (direct contact, indirect contact, and through place and space).

There are three different types of nature integration within our built environment : Nature in the space, natural analogues, and nature of the space.

> This is the integration of plants, water, and/or animals into the built environment.

> These may be in the form of water ponds, fountains, pets, indoor plants, trees in a courtyard, or vertical gardening

> This is one step further from the "nature in space". This category includes materials, patterns, proportions that resemble nature. 

> This can be in the form of representational artwork, biomorphic forms, ornamentation, or the use of natural materials (for instance, wood) 

> This category refers to the way we psychologically and physiologically respond to different spatial configurations.

> This includes spatial hierarchy, spatial sequence and pattern, and spatial organization. A whole and biophilic design should include a variety of spaces that mimic the natural environment (open spaces vs spaces that are sheltered and protected (spaces of refuge)).

Now let's define the problem

What most business owners do not realize is that they spend more capital on people than on anything else in their business (energy costs, rent, etc.) – regardless of the industry. 

However, we seldom see employers investing in their employees and workspaces. Business owners often try to cut their costs through saving on energy and other factors that occupy the smaller part of the pie. As a result, leaving their employees working in stagnant dull spaces while expecting them to be highly productive. 

Investing in your employees and their productivity and satisfaction will generate better results than cutting costs through energy savings. 

Now before jumping into conclusions, let’s identify first what are the main causes of low productivity at the workplace. 

What most business owners do not realize is that they spend more capital on people than on anything else in their business (energy costs, rent, etc.) - regardless of the industry. 

What are the main causes of low productivity at work? 

  1. absenteeism
  2. Loss of Focus 
  3. Presenteeism 
  4. Negative mood 
  5. Poor health 

Now that we have identified the main causes of low productivity at work, let’s look at what are the basic requirements for a productive and healthy space environment!  

What are the basic requirements for a productive and healthy space ? 

> Provision of spaces with varying temperatures, air, light levels, etc. according to the tasks and functionality of the spaces. 

> It is essential to offer users the ability to control their own environments. This way, the space can accommodate various types of users and a wide spectrum of preferences, thus, making a sustainable flexible workplace - functional for years to come. 

> Spaces and environments that are dynamic (not static). Stagnant environments and spaces can make us feel drowsy, sleepy, and out of focus. Spaces that mimic the natural environment with slight variations in lighting, air and temperature can keep us active and awake while working. 

> The creation of certain spaces for users to feel safe and protected, and to be able to create their own mark or identity within a space. 

> One of the most crucial elements to biophilic design is provision of views to the outside world. This allows us to have a sense of time, access to daylight, sense of connection to nature and current events to feel and stay relevant. 

How can biophilic design satisfy the 5 basic requirements ? 

With conscious and user-centered design, an office can have elements to adapt to various user preferences. Similar to the image below, a simple addition of dynamic louvers can achieve all five requirements mentioned above. 

It provides users with the ability to change their environment, it responds to its surroundings, and offers an option for users to be open or closed for more privacy. This will ensure that employees are satisfied, stimulated and energized throughout the day. It provides them with a sense of ownership to their office and space. 

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Direct and Indirect economic benefits of biophilic design 

There have been a lot of research and papers indicating the social, psychological and physiological benefits of biophilic, nature-integrated design. However, when it comes to economic benefits, it becomes difficult to quantify the benefits of biophilic design. This results in biophilic design being perceived as a luxury and bonus, rather than the necessary and urgent.  

On the contrary to common perception and believe, biophilic design has many indirect economic benefits. It has been proven to help lower rates of absenteeism, lower rates of tardiness, and higher rates of effective hours worked. All of these factors, if analyzed and calculated, would add up to a great economic saving and profit to firms (in the long run too) 

How can I turn my office into a biophilic one ?

Taking steps towards a sustainable office space or a sustainable brand is a great chance to raise awareness among your team, your community, and your customers! therefore, go ahead! you’re on the right path! 

It is also important to remember that a sustainable brand or business or even lifestyle is not just about the products you choose to purchase or not purchase. It is substantially the life you live, the spaces you live in, communicate, and work.  healthy spaces, healthy people.

I hope you found this article helpful, stay tuned for a more detailed piece regarding space planning and materials!

until next time tracers- stay healthy, stay strong! 

References : 

The Economics of Biophilia (© 2012 Terrapin Bright Green LLC)

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