How to Improve Indoor Air Quality with Design

With research showing that we spend around 90% of our time indoors, it is important to care for and pay attention to the quality of the air we are breathing where we live, work, and play.

Published June 22, 2020


How to Improve Indoor Air Quality with Design

Steps to take towards healthier interiors.

With research showing that we spend around 90% of our time indoors, it is important to care for and pay attention to the quality of the air we are breathing where we live, work, and play. Studies have also shown with increased levels of carbon dioxide and VOCs, productivity and concentration decrease as well. 

You probably read many articles and lists about how to clean your indoor air that often include additions and products that you can buy to clean and purify your indoors. However, we believe there is another way to avoid this problem all together. A well-thought out  and careful planning and design from the beginning ensures a result that takes its occupants’ health and well-being into account. 

It is also important to note that whilst we are trying to enhance the indoor air quality of our spaces, we should accomplish that in a way that does not pollute the outdoors  ,increase emissions, or increase energy consumption. 

Passive Outdoor Ventilation

One of the most important elements that often go unnoticed is the orientation of the building. If oriented correctly by the architect, your building can benefit from winter sun and the summer breeze and can reduce your electricity bills simultaneously. Therefore, having a cross ventilation system that constantly moves the air around your spaces is very beneficial for keeping the space healthy and fresh.

Operable windows are also another key element where occupants can control their environment through operable windows making sure that the space is flexible and adaptable to the occupants’ needs and preferences. 

We are ought to also keep in mind that depending on where you are, the air coming from outside may not always be clean, so you may want to purify it through natural passive systems such as placing plants and a water body to catch and purify the dust particles that may come from outside. Adding a water body to your building or house can also enhance the temperature of the indoors during the summer.

Interior finishes

We often perceive that the outdoor air is contaminated and polluted, however, recent studies show that the indoor air is more contaminated and polluted than the outdoor one and with people spending most of their time indoors, you can expect all sorts of respiratory diseases affecting people of all ages in the long run. 

VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) are materials with high vapor pressure and low water solubility and they are often emitted as gases from solids and liquids. These VOCs are present in many of  our interiors, floor coverings, paints, adhesives, sealants, or furnishings.   The adhesives and materials used during installations can also emit these volatile chemicals in time and immediately. It is also important to note that research has shown that the levels of VOCs does not differ whether you’re in a rural or urban industrial area

This can also be corrected with careful design and material selection that will ensure materials with low VOCs or zero-VOCs and materials and surfaces that can be cleaned and maintained with non toxic cleaners. Therefore, it is important for you to pay attention when picking finishes and building materials and to make the effort to read the labels of these products. 


After eliminating the levels of VOCs emitted by building materials and finishes, one can incorporate indoor plants that can further enhance the indoor air quality. 

Here’s a list of a few air-purifying plants. If you’d like to know more about these plants and what they clean in particular and how to mix and match these indoor plants, read this detailed article. 

Aloe Vera

It turns out that beyond Aloe vera’s healing properties and healing gel, it also purifies the air from VOCs according to the report released by NASA. This plant has the ability to release oxygen at night and purifies the air from benzene and formaldehyde which are present in chemicals in paints, floor covering, and other products.

This plant is an easy to grow plant and needs little maintenance. It thrives where it receives a good amount of sun (around 4 hours) and watered once a week or two weeks. However, be aware not to over-water it. 

Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue

Similar to our first plant, Aloe Vera, the snake plant (also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue) is also approved by NASA and purifies the air from VOCs. 

This plant releases oxygen during night time as well and purifies the air from formaldehyde which is also present in some store-bought cleaning products. 

This plant needs little maintenance, bright light conditions with some sun and needs watering every 2 weeks. 

Spider Plant 

The spider plant was placed as one of the top house plants that help purify and cleanse indoor air from pollutants. The spider plant removes benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and xylene. These are all found within our houses whether in our interior paints, finishes, leather, or rubber. 

 This plant is an easy to grow plant and needs little maintenance. It thrives where it receives a good amount of sun (around 4 hours) and watered once a week or two weeks. However, be aware not to over-water it. 

Rubber plant top air purifying plants by traceitlab traceitgreen blog photo by unsplash

Rubber Plant (Ficus elastic)

This plant is a tough one and survives under indirect sunlight and does not need much watering. This plant is one of designers’ favorites with its big leaves. This plant is good for removing formaldehyde found indoors. 

This plant does not need regular watering making it a low maintenance plant. It also thrives in average temperature, and it is important to note that it is toxic to dogs and cats (so keep your furry friends away from this one!) 


This colorful plant not only brightens your interiors, but also purifies the air from formaldehyde, xylene (found in rubber, leather, and paints), and benzene (found in dyes and furniture wax).

This plant loves the sunlight so make sure to keep it in a bright sunny spot in your house. It is important to note that the plant does not purify the air without its flowers (and the flowers bloom for around 6 weeks). It is also toxic to cats and dogs so it is best kept out of their reach. 

 This plant is an easy to grow plant and needs little maintenance. It thrives where it receives a good amount of sun (around 4 hours) and watered once a week or two weeks. However, be aware not to over-water it. 

At the end, the important key point to take away from this article is that thoughtful design and planning can make us healthier and better and improve our lifestyle. There are many ways where we could lead a happier, healthier life without damaging the environment and also help it thrive, we just have to take that extra step. 

Until next time tracers , stay healthy, stay strong! 

References : 

Images courtesy of

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